Adversary Simulation

How would you stack up against an actual cyber attack? Our intelligence-led adversary simulation services show you how it would unfold in your environment.

We deliver real-world campaigns

Our intelligence-led approach to adversary simulations help take the guesswork out of your security investment strategy by delivering real-world campaigns that match the tools, tactics and procedures used by real adversaries in the wild.

We test your defences, collaboratively

Compliment your existing investment by learning how your current controls would stack up against a real-world intrusion within a controlled environment

Know your blind spots and where to focus initiatives before it's too late

Save time, save money

It's easy to shop for security tools, but stacking up existing tooling to complement and improve your defences is rarely a walk in the park. Investment in security is difficult, rarely has a clear ROI and often introduces operational overhead - taking your time away from what you do best, running your business.

Know your true risks

From control validation to tailored threat campaigns based upon real-world intrusions, talk to us to put some data behind your decision making to help identify, quantify and remediate the risks that matter most.


Talk to our cyber security specialists