September 25, 2023

Moving Your Applications to the Cloud? No Strategy, No Success!

Migrating a core business application to the cloud is often a catalyst for further consideration of what else to migrate. However, in a rush to jump on the momentum train, businesses often overlook a critical stage - developing a solid cloud strategy.


Jeff Wogen, Head of Digital


September 22, 2023

Success in the Cloud: Choosing an AWS partner

Whether your organisation is planning an Amazon Web Services (AWS) migration, just getting started, or looking for further growth opportunities, having a reliable cloud partner is absolutely essential. Here at Theta, we'll support your business to ensure you get the most out of your AWS investment.



August 30, 2023

Stemming the Tide or Riding the Wave of GPT?

GenAI and tools such as ChatGPT are among the most rapidly embraced technologies in history, with their expansion showing no sign of slowing. Alongside this technological explosion are concerns about risks and the pace of change.


Andrew Taylor, Director and Head of Product


July 21, 2023

The City, the Office & the Guide (SharePoint, Teams & Viva)

SharePoint, Teams and Viva can be likened to a dynamic trio working together to provide better collaboration, communication and clarity.


Darion Mannie, Collaboration Consultant, Digital


May 3, 2023

Microsoft Viva: What we know about the latest employee experience platform [UPDATED: May 2023]

Hybrid work is quickly becoming the new normal, yet finding ways to engage, motivate, and grow a workforce that is increasingly dispersed and distracted can be a significant challenge.‍ This is where Microsoft Viva comes in.


Cornel Fuhri, Practice Lead - Collaboration Solutions Manager


February 20, 2023

ChatGPT: advice for your organisation

ChatGPT has captivated a huge global audience. However, with this newfound potential comes polarised views on its impact.


Jim Taylor, Emerging Technologies Architect


October 10, 2022

Are you getting ROI for SharePoint, Teams and other Microsoft 365 apps?

If you're already using Microsoft SharePoint and Teams, did you know you're likely overlooking a bunch of useful features, as well as other applications that come as part of your Microsoft 365 subscription?



April 5, 2022

Tech created for students by graduates – the latest with Mixiply

The newest Mixiply release is backed by years of innovative thinking with the help of Theta’s graduates and interns. It’s tech, created for students, by Graduates – many of the Mixiply team behind the scenes started out small and have now left their mark on the ongoing improvements and developments of the platform. We’re proud to release Mixiply’s new collaborative features- curated upon feedback from the young creative minds of Minidevs at Newlands Intermediate School in Wellington. They inspire us as we hope to inspire them in their tech journey.



December 21, 2021

Heads Up! 3 reasons why you need to review your Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365 licensing right now

In March 2022, the rules around consuming Microsoft license subscriptions are changing with the introduction of the New Commerce Experience (NCE). These changes will have a dramatic impact on the way your business buys access to Microsoft subscriptions.



December 3, 2021

Cloud Adoption Framework: Save costs and avoid risk when moving your enterprise to the cloud

If you've decided to migrate your business to the cloud, but have not yet made the move, now is the time to think hard about preparation.

