August 4, 2022

2021-22 Annual report published



Our annual report is out; join us as we reflect on a tremendous year of new feats and transformation.

We emerge out of the rubble that is Covid with a few bruised knees, but thanks to the resilience of our Theta whanau, we're adapting steadily against these challenges.

Big dreams require a dream team, and we couldn't be prouder of ours. We share the epic success of our New Zealand Traveller Declaration team, who delivered tech that enabled New Zealand's borders to finally reopen. We also review results and highlight some of our projects, people and events.  

Our customers continue to stick with us, together we've navigated a tight Labour market, and we continue to support each other through it all. We share our gratitude for our customer relationships and share our most recent net promoter score.

Next up, we're en route to fully implementing our new hybrid working model. Bring on the year ahead!

View our 2021-22 annual report.